A Model for Enhancing Tacit Knowledge Flow in Non-functional Requirements Elicitation

Buitrón, S. L., Pino, F. J., Flores-Rios, B. L., Ibarra-Esquer, J. E. Astorga-Vargas, M. A. (2017). A Model for Enhancing Tacit Knowledge Flow in Non-functional Requirements Elicitation. In 2017 5th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT) (pp. 25-33). IEEE.

IEEE CONISOFT 17 611 Descarga(s)

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One Response to A Model for Enhancing Tacit Knowledge Flow in Non-functional Requirements Elicitation

  1. Brenda L. says:

    citado por:
    Juárez Rodríguez, O. O. (2019). La transferencia de conocimiento y su relación en el desempeño de proyectos en empresas de desarrollo de software. Tesis de doctorado en Ciencias administrativas. Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. México.

    Felizardo, K. R., de Souza, É. F., Malacrida, T., Napoleão, B. M., Petrillo, F., Hallé, S., … & Nakagawa, E. Y. (2020, August). Knowledge Management for Promoting Update of Systematic Literature Reviews: An Experience Report. In 2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 471-478). IEEE.